Saturday, 19 February 2011

Seeking Straws

One of the main objectives for the loft is to reuse and recycle or upcycle as much as possible.  This not only applies to the furnishing and decor etc. but to the things we will use day to day too.  So for the last couple of days I have been trying to locate a supplier for paper straws, not as easy as you would think. Ive tried a few places online and it seems that Fred Aldous is the best value so far at £5.76 for 144.  Still not ideal! I can get an abundance of paper straws from the U.S but obviously flying straws thousands of miles!! hardly doing my bit for the planet eh!  So if anyone knows of any U.K suppliers - please let me know.


  1. sorry dont know were you could try.. but will keep my eye out.. just wanted to say how exciting it is going to be for you .opening your own tea shop. its like my dream so i'll live it through your blog!!!

  2. Hi there, Have been speaking to Emma Ewers from Tollesbury who manages my website for me and was very interested to hear about your tea shop at Tollesbury sail lofts. My website is called and I am based at West Mersea. I was wondering if you would consider renting a space within your teashop where I could sell some of my goods. Or selling some on my behalf whilst you take a percentage. I currently sell within a shop on Mersea and this arrangement works very well.

    If you would like to get in contact with me my email is or or call 0845 519 4208.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Kind regards,
    Jane Ashmore
