Sunday, 27 February 2011

Local Tea!!!

A friend recently alerted me to some Tea that she found at our local Tesco!!! supplied by a local firm "Butterworth & Sons" in Suffolk. Not only was the packaging beautiful, but the tea was fantastic too.  I investigated further and found that its a family run business in Bury St.Edmunds.  I'm really interested in using local food and suppliers at 'The Loft', so this was a real find! I emailed them for some more info and the very next day was contacted by Rob Butterworth.  Very professional, and helpful.  So have arranged to go and see them this week to find out about using their Tea @ 'The Loft'. Cant wait!!

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Seeking Straws

One of the main objectives for the loft is to reuse and recycle or upcycle as much as possible.  This not only applies to the furnishing and decor etc. but to the things we will use day to day too.  So for the last couple of days I have been trying to locate a supplier for paper straws, not as easy as you would think. Ive tried a few places online and it seems that Fred Aldous is the best value so far at £5.76 for 144.  Still not ideal! I can get an abundance of paper straws from the U.S but obviously flying straws thousands of miles!! hardly doing my bit for the planet eh!  So if anyone knows of any U.K suppliers - please let me know.

Gathering Inspiration

So - I have lined up the workmen etc. and just basically waiting to reach my place on their list!! So frustrating! Although, Bel (a friends Dad, restores old furniture, paints etc.- lovely chap) is currently painting the windows inside and its already starting to look quite transformed!  So while I await the other workmen (plumber, electrician etc) I'm still gathering old fabrics (for bunting and cushions) as well as lovely images from mags and flickr. etc to keep me going (oh such a hard life!!).  This image is taken from this months 'Homes and Antiques' magazine and kinda sums up the look (hopefully).  Will be back over the next couple of days with some more lovely images etc.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Out with the Old..

So last weekend was spent clearing out all the old bits and bobs and unwanted fixtures and fittings!  It was great just being down there by the water, and although rather blustery and grey, there were lots of families etc. taking a walk and I couldnt help getting rather excited by the prospect of  them maybe in future stopping by the tearoom for a nice cup of tea and cake!! 
The two large shutters open up and behind the left hand one is the entrance, and behind the right is a large picture window.  I am in the process of sorting out the front steps.
This is the existing kitchen that will eventually be the new toilet.
This is the office which will be the new sparkly kitchen!!


The main cafe area where all the table and chairs will be.  You can see the entrance and picture window as previously mentioned.
As you can see by the pics it's a great space.  It will be painted white to not only make the most of light and space but to show off all the colourful vintage china.  It is also intended to display work by local artists and crafters and I will be featuring some of them on the blog too.
I'm signing off for now but have got more posts lined up.  Before I go I would like to say a BIG BIG THANK YOU for all the lovely comments and emails I've had in support of 'The Loft' your encouragement and support means so much. xxx

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Introducing....... "The Loft"

Photo taken by Annikka
Lovely aren't they?  Yes the nearest Sail Loft on this picture will be the venue for my tearoom.  I'm now officially the tenant and currently gathering workmen etc. to make it all happen.  The intended opening date will (hopefully) be the Royal Wedding weekend (29th/30th April 2011 (imagine the bunting!!!!)).  I have been collecting vintage and retro china for a good few years now (photos to follow soon), which is currently piled high in my shed, (I'm sure that there are a few gems in there that I've forgotten about).  It's going to be called.... 'The Loft'. It is after all a 'Sail Loft' and it's a name which I feel will be easy for people to remember and quote.  I am so excited about this new venture but at the same time nervous, as obviously I need to consider and still be there for my family, add to the house purse, and although a little embarrased to say, do something for me again.  It's been a dream for a while now, and how could I turn down the opportunity of one of the lovely sail lofts being made available for rent??  I've bitten the bullet and taking the risk with support of great family and friends.  So I'm gonna be blogging my way through the process, please feel free to leave comments and feedback, I welcome it all!  I think that's it for my first post.  Ive got lots more to tell you already and will be posting again soon. x
By the way thanks very much to Annikka for letting me use her beautiful photograph, good luck with your projects too!